Art Ed-Self Development
Prof. Development
Current Activities


Photos by MNBester


"Color for the Soul" is a watercolor course exploring the individuality of each color.  Attention is given to breathing polarities and cycles in life as the colors are studied through the seasons. What is elemental to colors is investigated.

"Color and Plants" focuses on color through plants and plants through color. This class uses watercolor and pastels to explore this relationship.  The seasons are also experienced through the colors.

"Drawing Naturally" teaches drawing skills using alternative methods such as Breathing Tones and Shape Gestures.  How color shapes form and new ways of thinking about and seeing nature are presented.

"Movement, Gesture, Drawing and  Painting" is a participatory class in relaxing and healing movements and their tracings.  It is informed by Eurythmy, Form Drawing, Feldenkrais®, and Core Somatics®.  Painting and/or drawing may be used to express the movements further.  Rhythms and cycles that are life giving will be explored.

"The Visual Rhythms and Colors in Biography" is a self development class that explores a person's story through art and various media.  Colors of seven year life periods will be experienced along with the graphic connections of a human life.  Each participant will concentrate on the color of the seven year period in which they find themselves to increase insights into their current life tasks.

FIBER ART CLASSES exploring various techniques such as Shibori, Serti Silk Painting, Creative Crochet, Hand Fabric Dying, Sewing and Knitting.